Tuesday, October 6, 2009
i am the infinity.. i am the energy.. i am the food u had in ya dinner ..i am the shit you released today.. i am the X-factor which helps a sperm cell meet the egg and i put in life into the zygote.. i am the factor which whn leaves the body.. its called dead.. you cannot kill me you cannot give birth to me..i am the unborn n never dying.. i am the invisible intangible in general yet i am visible and tangible all around you.. i cn see you .. see within you.. i am the thing that produces light outta nuclear reactions in stars.. i am the thing that makes ya brain think and act.. i talk to the stones and plants.. i fly with the fishes and swim with birds.. i cn rob you out of every emotion and sense you have.. i am the biggest idiot u hv ever seen.. yt i am wise enough to blow u outta ya mind and leave ya bleeding through all ya holes due to brain haemorrhage.. i am the slight breeze u like on ya face .. iam the black hole magnetic storm that will engulf ya world someday..i am the drop of water which animals die fr during the summers..i am the violent gushing tsunami which cn wash out citiesand change maps.. i stay on ya eye lids n yt i have zillions of universes stuck in my nails.. i am weightless yt the zillion universes wont be able to support me.. i run in your body every moment i enter and exit without ya permission.. i create worlds and keep them aloof in the galaxies to give them a good feelin of being unique and so they love their lives so much.. and they are happy.. i make your dreams i make you scream.. i am the orgasm.. i am the lust ..iam the love.. i am the tear drop.. i am the muscle contraction that makes u smile.. i made male and female.. black and white.. positive and negative .. good and bad.. right and left.. like and unlike.. to have a good laugh over you jokers..you worship me or abuse me i dnt give a shit..cz i need not to.. my another creation called the nature preached you freedom and love bt u practised lessons of misery and dictatorship and slavery... i dont know wat's dominance wats freedom.. wats slavery.. wats misery..wats pain .. whats happiness.. whts clean.. whts dirty? bt i feel bit curious when you talk about these things.. u have it all thn y u crave for more..?one day i ll lash my whip of time on you and everything will track itself back to the the origin.. confess all your guilts cz u wont give any extra time..for the creation of universes and time space mass by me were all accidental..
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Am i an atheist?
.. yeah.. i used to be one earlier.. bt then i realised.. its baseless.. u know being an atheist without any solid reason..cz i ws always very skeptical bout the existence of some supernatural power controlling the world neaaah...... i dont have any proven fact to take any side.. so i decided.. though my knowledge .. infact human knowledge is frustratingly infinitesimally small in front of the nature and universe and everything.. still i will give it a try.. i ll try to reason out whats god.. based on my till date scientific knowledge.. i started out.. and
What is soul?
It is basically the property of life.. & there are no different souls…it is totally wrong to say.. dog soul is something diff.. from human soul or human soul looks like a man n dog soul looks like a dog grossly wrong…the soul of a dog a man n a bacteria is same.. n there is only 1 soul in whole universe…if there are diff souls…if your soul is different from my soul..then how come population of earth is ever increasing.. where are the extra souls coming from ?when these religious books say soul can neither be created nor be destroyed..it is unchangeable.. population of earth was say 1000 at 2000 BC and now its 6000000000 where have the extra souls come from means they didn’t exist at first they were created later isn’t it ?? If principle of rebirth is to be considered then the population must remain constant or nearly constant.. there were no human beings at first when there were reptiles…means reptiles and humans have same soul…same way a bacteria, a dog , an ape irrespective of conscience.. n irrespective of mental n physical development.. have the same soul so I have a better explained definition I guess… n its according to my own analysis not inspired by any religion or sage or any other preachings its simply inspired by science..
What is life??
Life is just a game of millions of bio chemical n bio physical reactions..emotions..all emotions.. pain love lust sorrow happiness are what?.. reception of atmospheric situations by our senses and these senses (like eye or taste or touch or sound n smell..) produce electric signals by variation of ion concentration in cells and muscles and through nerve cells these electric signals are transferred to the brain..n certain biochemical organic n biophysical reactions take place in some sequence(these sequences are stored in DNA n genes in forms of chemical codings of the nucleic acid bases namely adenine thymine cytosine and guanine.)and new molecules or hormones are produced which make us feel or see or taste or hear or speak or work or think or anything..
The same reason goes for adaptation and adaptation is the reason for evolution ..evolution from the first cell to multi cellular organisms to algae to bacteria to protozoa to worms to invertebrates to vertebrates to reptiles to mammals to apes to human being n still its going on.. modern man’s head or cranial capacity is growing and limbs are getting rudimentary just for adaptation to higher mental work load and lesser physical work load.. courtesy technology. it is making life easier..…
how do we grow?
..these bio physical n bio chemical reactions produce proteins which again build up molecules for our muscles to grow n expand.. it is the size and weight of these extra molecules which make an unicellular zygote to turn into a 70 kgs adult after 20 years..
so so so? What is the basic thing going on??
Reactions. biochemical and biophysical..
what are reactions..?
when two or more atoms or molecules are supplied with extra energy, their atoms (or electrons) get excited to higher levels of energy which become unstable and so to stabilize these atoms or electrons come back to normal positions with slight modifications and re-arrangements to produce new compounds….(with or without Einstein’s mass defect..) means what??
Means reactions are in turn simple play of energy and mass transfer.. ,conversion of energy from one form to other and mass –energy inter-conversion.. this property of enegy and mass transfer is therefore life. I call energy the one and only soul of universe.
.when we are born..the energy was transferred from food particles to our mothers body..n from mothers body different compounds and proteins came to the zygote and helped it grow into millions of cell inside the womb n we were created..then we grow.. all with the help of bio physical and chemical. Reactions and the chemical codes present in our DNA n genes..n ofcourse our parents’ DNA n genes ..23 chromosomes in human DNA and all other genetic variations in living beings are again a play of these millions of energy stabilizing reactions which stabilized into various forms through millions of years.. NOTHIN BUT ENERGY TRANSFER..
What is death??
It is a sudden and disastrous stoppage of all metabolic activities in our body cells due to some shock or stress after all..the coded sequence gets destroyed or disturbed due to some shock or stress.. and the cells stop functioning and starve of oxygen and the heart stops beating. Brain nerve cells stop functioning and brain becomes numb.muscles stop contraction and relaxation n there is no movement...its truly disastrous..inside the body… system thup ho jati hai…
After sometime .. after death.. the body becomes cold why?
because body always keeps on loosing heat to come in thermal equilibrium with atmosphere and there is no production of energy due to respiration..so there is net loss of energy..then we are burnt or buried in most cases..in case of burning all complex molecules of proteins.. are broken down into simple molecules of co2 or nitrogen or carbon monoxide etc.. and there is ash left..again what?? These are external chemical n physical reactions to release the left out energy and mass.. inside the body..into atmosphere..ash is lighter because 70 % of human body is water and there are so many other fluids and solids which get evapourated.. n so many more reactions…these reactions consume up the energy to form ash or release it into atmosphere..as heat and light and sound..electromagnetic and sound waves of different frequencies are produced .. while burning what produces them?? The left energy of body and the woods used provide the energy to form ElectroMagnetic waves n sound waves..in short the soul is released..into air.. n water.. the particles get deposited on soil and then absorbed by some plant so my soul got into a plants soul..or was let free to reach another planet out of solar system as light rays as may be the case..my ashes were flown into the river.. it got deposited on the river bed and a fish ate some part of my ash so my soul also got into a fish’s soul..when mr.XYZ..had that fish my soul got into him and he is still living...simple as the case may be..when we eat chicken chicken’s soul gets transferred into us..as energy and protein molecules..
In case of burial these complex bodily molecules are converted into nutrients again by bio chemical n bio physical reactions of bacteria and protozoa.. n these nutrients are in turn absorbed by a tree or some other bacteria so my soul got into a plants soul..or a bacteria s soul .. a bird ate the fruit of that plant and my soul got into the bird..
So so I say.. there is only one soul in whole universe ….and it is energy and mass one and the same thing you throw mass at speed of light ..its 100% energy
And the truth of science is energy can neither be created nor be destroyed it can only change form from 1 form to another.. or convert into equivalent mass or vice versa..
And same is the truth of soul and spirit which is soul can neither be created nor be destroyed it can only change form from 1 body to another.. it is unchangeable it is invincible its unborn so it can never be killed..
what is which controls everything?? God right??
From the above discussion… what is which controls everythin?? Energy…I control things around me through energy..even G.W. bush is controlling the world by his mind..by Energy..he is creating conditions which lead to a sequence of events which change the fate of a country..eg. Afghanistan , Iraq .. even the sun is what? a ball of energy..where mass is getting converted into energy through nuclear fusion reactions.. and how is it controlling solar system? through gravitational work through gravitons and all.. and work is what? Energy… same is going for billions of galaxies even… so I say god is nothing but energy..scientifically.. energy soul and god are same..so priests say har cheez me bhagwan basta hai..jal vayu agni dharti aakash .. or mitti patthar lakdi daru..ghaans ped paudhe kutta khargosh kauwa cheel.. sher.. hati…insaan Bandar..hanuman in each and everythin there is god.. there is energy..there is soul.
This must be the scientific definition… I or some noble laureate scientist or even Einstein might not be able to answer supernatural questions.. but I don’t believe in anything superior to nature and so supernatural word does not exist for me.. and so I never had or will have supernatural experience but scientists(or worshippers, priests of science or any believer of science) are not answerable to all supernatural things or what was there at the beginning or where did this energy come from.. the primeval atom theory etc...because after all we are human beings and we have to admit our knowledge of universe n nature is less than the least..
we are no way superior to apes or tiger or dogs or birds or microbes the only addition being a very very slightly more logical mind.. let us take some examples of emotions love for off springs ..go and try to harm the pups next door in front of their mother.. and the mother bitch will tell you whats maternal care..intelligence of using tools.. baboons and some other apes use sticks to poke out termites out of their nests and and when they come out they eat them ..a tiger approaches its prey so silently.. whats the reason?? Its the tigers intelligence and experience from past which tells him to move slowly so that the prey cannot sense the approaching danger and cannot escape..why does a snake bite you?? When you haven’t even seen him??.. it senses some kind of danger from you and biting you is simply its brain’s reaction for self defense.. why does a bird fly away when you try to catch it?? ..sense of fear.. why do young male elephants kick out old male elephants out of their herds??..sense of ego and dominance and independence from the control of elders..animals know it very well which fruits or food or flesh suits him and which doesnot suit him.. that’s why they seldom die of food poisioning.. the sunderban royal Bengal tigers and how they get fresh honey.. what they do is they first cover their whole body with the ganges mud and then they take a run up of a few steps and hit the targeted bee-hive hard..after sometime they return back and lick up the honey collected therein. What is it?? Its simple use of experience and reasoning and intelligence.. that if I cover myself with a coating of mud.the honey bee stings wont be able to pierce through the dried mud coating and thus I ll be safe..
we got to admit.. we still donot know even 0.00000000000001% of the universal phenomenon or what we call science.. the day we know 100% universe.. we ourselves will be souls or energy.. anyone who says we are not animals we are the supreme race on earth.. we are supreme creation of nature and god ..we are the children of god and rest all animals are inferior to us they are wild we are civilized they donot have any mind and we have the whole sole responsibility for the process of thinking and developing and salvation of everything…I l just shoot him on his head.. f***er we are just sub-microscopic explorers on the body of universe and nature..As a science student my knowledge is very limited and all theories I have used or assumed in the discussion it is just basic school level knowledge I myself have never seen a molecule I myself have never proved mass energy relationship.. I have never seen a DNA or a gene or chromosome.. I have never witnessed mass defect or metabolism or evolution or formation of a zygote.. but yes.. I can say with full confidence there are people in the world who are masters in these fields ..you may contact them to verify if these are mis-concepts or truths.. whatever..science always leaves space for freedom.. freedom and flexibility of thinking .. freedom and flexibility of reasoning and experimenting and questioning ..science can never be imposed.. science has never been made to be believed through force.. science is a game of free thinking, free questioning and unbiased reasoning.. science is “do it yourself.. ”
so why do u worship ya dinner the meal u have at night and the same thing you relesa in morning and you call it shit n it stinks.. y dont you worship that thing? y dont u worship the stone .. the soil.. the sky the air.. the fart.. theoil.. the pollution gases.. the dust particles the shit pot.. the cow dung.. the cigarette.. the alcohol.. the drugs.. the prostitute.. the leper.. the beggar.. the house maid and so so so many things y show partiality in worshipping.. so for me.. if i cant worship them all and salute them physically then y worship a few of them and take others as granted.. ??
better worship nothing..
and again this whole thing is just a hypothetical piece of crap.. dont just start using ya precious minds over it..
What is soul?
It is basically the property of life.. & there are no different souls…it is totally wrong to say.. dog soul is something diff.. from human soul or human soul looks like a man n dog soul looks like a dog grossly wrong…the soul of a dog a man n a bacteria is same.. n there is only 1 soul in whole universe…if there are diff souls…if your soul is different from my soul..then how come population of earth is ever increasing.. where are the extra souls coming from ?when these religious books say soul can neither be created nor be destroyed..it is unchangeable.. population of earth was say 1000 at 2000 BC and now its 6000000000 where have the extra souls come from means they didn’t exist at first they were created later isn’t it ?? If principle of rebirth is to be considered then the population must remain constant or nearly constant.. there were no human beings at first when there were reptiles…means reptiles and humans have same soul…same way a bacteria, a dog , an ape irrespective of conscience.. n irrespective of mental n physical development.. have the same soul so I have a better explained definition I guess… n its according to my own analysis not inspired by any religion or sage or any other preachings its simply inspired by science..
What is life??
Life is just a game of millions of bio chemical n bio physical reactions..emotions..all emotions.. pain love lust sorrow happiness are what?.. reception of atmospheric situations by our senses and these senses (like eye or taste or touch or sound n smell..) produce electric signals by variation of ion concentration in cells and muscles and through nerve cells these electric signals are transferred to the brain..n certain biochemical organic n biophysical reactions take place in some sequence(these sequences are stored in DNA n genes in forms of chemical codings of the nucleic acid bases namely adenine thymine cytosine and guanine.)and new molecules or hormones are produced which make us feel or see or taste or hear or speak or work or think or anything..
The same reason goes for adaptation and adaptation is the reason for evolution ..evolution from the first cell to multi cellular organisms to algae to bacteria to protozoa to worms to invertebrates to vertebrates to reptiles to mammals to apes to human being n still its going on.. modern man’s head or cranial capacity is growing and limbs are getting rudimentary just for adaptation to higher mental work load and lesser physical work load.. courtesy technology. it is making life easier..…
how do we grow?
..these bio physical n bio chemical reactions produce proteins which again build up molecules for our muscles to grow n expand.. it is the size and weight of these extra molecules which make an unicellular zygote to turn into a 70 kgs adult after 20 years..
so so so? What is the basic thing going on??
Reactions. biochemical and biophysical..
what are reactions..?
when two or more atoms or molecules are supplied with extra energy, their atoms (or electrons) get excited to higher levels of energy which become unstable and so to stabilize these atoms or electrons come back to normal positions with slight modifications and re-arrangements to produce new compounds….(with or without Einstein’s mass defect..) means what??
Means reactions are in turn simple play of energy and mass transfer.. ,conversion of energy from one form to other and mass –energy inter-conversion.. this property of enegy and mass transfer is therefore life. I call energy the one and only soul of universe.
.when we are born..the energy was transferred from food particles to our mothers body..n from mothers body different compounds and proteins came to the zygote and helped it grow into millions of cell inside the womb n we were created..then we grow.. all with the help of bio physical and chemical. Reactions and the chemical codes present in our DNA n genes..n ofcourse our parents’ DNA n genes ..23 chromosomes in human DNA and all other genetic variations in living beings are again a play of these millions of energy stabilizing reactions which stabilized into various forms through millions of years.. NOTHIN BUT ENERGY TRANSFER..
What is death??
It is a sudden and disastrous stoppage of all metabolic activities in our body cells due to some shock or stress after all..the coded sequence gets destroyed or disturbed due to some shock or stress.. and the cells stop functioning and starve of oxygen and the heart stops beating. Brain nerve cells stop functioning and brain becomes numb.muscles stop contraction and relaxation n there is no movement...its truly disastrous..inside the body… system thup ho jati hai…
After sometime .. after death.. the body becomes cold why?
because body always keeps on loosing heat to come in thermal equilibrium with atmosphere and there is no production of energy due to respiration..so there is net loss of energy..then we are burnt or buried in most cases..in case of burning all complex molecules of proteins.. are broken down into simple molecules of co2 or nitrogen or carbon monoxide etc.. and there is ash left..again what?? These are external chemical n physical reactions to release the left out energy and mass.. inside the body..into atmosphere..ash is lighter because 70 % of human body is water and there are so many other fluids and solids which get evapourated.. n so many more reactions…these reactions consume up the energy to form ash or release it into atmosphere..as heat and light and sound..electromagnetic and sound waves of different frequencies are produced .. while burning what produces them?? The left energy of body and the woods used provide the energy to form ElectroMagnetic waves n sound waves..in short the soul is released..into air.. n water.. the particles get deposited on soil and then absorbed by some plant so my soul got into a plants soul..or was let free to reach another planet out of solar system as light rays as may be the case..my ashes were flown into the river.. it got deposited on the river bed and a fish ate some part of my ash so my soul also got into a fish’s soul..when mr.XYZ..had that fish my soul got into him and he is still living...simple as the case may be..when we eat chicken chicken’s soul gets transferred into us..as energy and protein molecules..
In case of burial these complex bodily molecules are converted into nutrients again by bio chemical n bio physical reactions of bacteria and protozoa.. n these nutrients are in turn absorbed by a tree or some other bacteria so my soul got into a plants soul..or a bacteria s soul .. a bird ate the fruit of that plant and my soul got into the bird..
So so I say.. there is only one soul in whole universe ….and it is energy and mass one and the same thing you throw mass at speed of light ..its 100% energy
And the truth of science is energy can neither be created nor be destroyed it can only change form from 1 form to another.. or convert into equivalent mass or vice versa..
And same is the truth of soul and spirit which is soul can neither be created nor be destroyed it can only change form from 1 body to another.. it is unchangeable it is invincible its unborn so it can never be killed..
what is which controls everything?? God right??
From the above discussion… what is which controls everythin?? Energy…I control things around me through energy..even G.W. bush is controlling the world by his mind..by Energy..he is creating conditions which lead to a sequence of events which change the fate of a country..eg. Afghanistan , Iraq .. even the sun is what? a ball of energy..where mass is getting converted into energy through nuclear fusion reactions.. and how is it controlling solar system? through gravitational work through gravitons and all.. and work is what? Energy… same is going for billions of galaxies even… so I say god is nothing but energy..scientifically.. energy soul and god are same..so priests say har cheez me bhagwan basta hai..jal vayu agni dharti aakash .. or mitti patthar lakdi daru..ghaans ped paudhe kutta khargosh kauwa cheel.. sher.. hati…insaan Bandar..hanuman in each and everythin there is god.. there is energy..there is soul.
This must be the scientific definition… I or some noble laureate scientist or even Einstein might not be able to answer supernatural questions.. but I don’t believe in anything superior to nature and so supernatural word does not exist for me.. and so I never had or will have supernatural experience but scientists(or worshippers, priests of science or any believer of science) are not answerable to all supernatural things or what was there at the beginning or where did this energy come from.. the primeval atom theory etc...because after all we are human beings and we have to admit our knowledge of universe n nature is less than the least..
we are no way superior to apes or tiger or dogs or birds or microbes the only addition being a very very slightly more logical mind.. let us take some examples of emotions love for off springs ..go and try to harm the pups next door in front of their mother.. and the mother bitch will tell you whats maternal care..intelligence of using tools.. baboons and some other apes use sticks to poke out termites out of their nests and and when they come out they eat them ..a tiger approaches its prey so silently.. whats the reason?? Its the tigers intelligence and experience from past which tells him to move slowly so that the prey cannot sense the approaching danger and cannot escape..why does a snake bite you?? When you haven’t even seen him??.. it senses some kind of danger from you and biting you is simply its brain’s reaction for self defense.. why does a bird fly away when you try to catch it?? ..sense of fear.. why do young male elephants kick out old male elephants out of their herds??..sense of ego and dominance and independence from the control of elders..animals know it very well which fruits or food or flesh suits him and which doesnot suit him.. that’s why they seldom die of food poisioning.. the sunderban royal Bengal tigers and how they get fresh honey.. what they do is they first cover their whole body with the ganges mud and then they take a run up of a few steps and hit the targeted bee-hive hard..after sometime they return back and lick up the honey collected therein. What is it?? Its simple use of experience and reasoning and intelligence.. that if I cover myself with a coating of mud.the honey bee stings wont be able to pierce through the dried mud coating and thus I ll be safe..
we got to admit.. we still donot know even 0.00000000000001% of the universal phenomenon or what we call science.. the day we know 100% universe.. we ourselves will be souls or energy.. anyone who says we are not animals we are the supreme race on earth.. we are supreme creation of nature and god ..we are the children of god and rest all animals are inferior to us they are wild we are civilized they donot have any mind and we have the whole sole responsibility for the process of thinking and developing and salvation of everything…I l just shoot him on his head.. f***er we are just sub-microscopic explorers on the body of universe and nature..As a science student my knowledge is very limited and all theories I have used or assumed in the discussion it is just basic school level knowledge I myself have never seen a molecule I myself have never proved mass energy relationship.. I have never seen a DNA or a gene or chromosome.. I have never witnessed mass defect or metabolism or evolution or formation of a zygote.. but yes.. I can say with full confidence there are people in the world who are masters in these fields ..you may contact them to verify if these are mis-concepts or truths.. whatever..science always leaves space for freedom.. freedom and flexibility of thinking .. freedom and flexibility of reasoning and experimenting and questioning ..science can never be imposed.. science has never been made to be believed through force.. science is a game of free thinking, free questioning and unbiased reasoning.. science is “do it yourself.. ”
so why do u worship ya dinner the meal u have at night and the same thing you relesa in morning and you call it shit n it stinks.. y dont you worship that thing? y dont u worship the stone .. the soil.. the sky the air.. the fart.. theoil.. the pollution gases.. the dust particles the shit pot.. the cow dung.. the cigarette.. the alcohol.. the drugs.. the prostitute.. the leper.. the beggar.. the house maid and so so so many things y show partiality in worshipping.. so for me.. if i cant worship them all and salute them physically then y worship a few of them and take others as granted.. ??
better worship nothing..
and again this whole thing is just a hypothetical piece of crap.. dont just start using ya precious minds over it..
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